Author Archives: Addy

Scholastic Bash – 7/3/2023

Today I woke up at 7:50, and I went to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower. I close the faucet and towel my body dry. I put deodorant stick on my left and right armpit. I put the vest on and put my underwear. I put the pink towel on the chair. I…

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Friday Actions Quads – June 9th 2023

Today I wore blue shorts and blue cairns cup shirt and the cap. I went downstairs the stairs and went down and crossed the road very carefully. When the the traffic green light turned I crossed the road and went to the Whole Food side. I walked towards the traffic light. I pressed the button…

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Knights Tournament Logo

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Chess Quads Logo

I thought it will be cool to have a Tournament Logo. So I created a couple of versions for the Quads tournament and for the Knights tournaments. We can use different colors in different months too. Add some more style.

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